Work-life balance: how not to drive yourself?
Work-life balance is a term that means work-life balance. Keeping balance is incredibly important in today’s environment. Usually, everyone strives to be realized in all areas of their lives, which means you need to be able to maintain balance. When the boundaries between work and personal life are violated, then a person inevitably comes to stress, professional burnout, problems in his career and at home.
Work-life balance rules
1. At the weekend – rest
It often happens that workaholics cannot stop even on their legitimate weekends and continue to work at a frantic pace. The weekend should be full. At this time, you should recover and reboot. If you do not rest, your performance is reduced.
2. Morning of the working day
In the morning, it is important to collect your thoughts and tune in to the workday. Before starting an active day, it is useful to drink coffee in silence, do some exercises if you can go for a run, or even read a book. It doesn’t matter what you do – it is important that you can devote this half-hour or hour to yourself, collect your thoughts and relax.
3. Hobbies
Some people for whom work is practically the meaning of life do not know what else to do besides work. A hobby will help you take breaks with great enthusiasm, arrange weekends, and take vacations. It distracts from everyday work and gives a good charge and energy.
4. Cooperation
Any collaboration with other people is a primary source of happiness, where we feel supported or supported by others. It also helps to create groups or communities of interest or mutual assistance.
First, you need to find out who else might be looking for a work-life balance. Is it possible for mutual help between your family and other members of the community? For example, the allocation of expenses for children’s entertainment, the ability to look after your child, or when their child can stay with you overnight, and vice versa.

5. Time just for yourself
Research has repeatedly shown that a little time and space just for yourself is really very important for a feeling of happiness. For example, just 10 minutes of meditation a day or 20 minutes of jogging can make a huge contribution to your energetic and emotional state, as well as your ability to cope with different difficult situations. It is also helpful to set aside time for your hobbies or leisure activities that you enjoy, even if it will only be an hour a day.
6. Strengths
In balancing work and personal life, knowing who you are and what your strengths are is very important. This will give you the opportunity to do your job better and cope with household chores. Never try to be someone you are not because it will simply cause distress, both psychological and physical. Agree that you are lacking in some qualities, and ask for help from loved ones, mentors, or friends.
7. Start small
We are all familiar with this: Monday tasks, New Year’s promises that we forget by February. According to Robert Brooks, the same can be said for work-life balance. Many of his workaholic clients are making a radical change: cutting their hours from 80 hours of work per week to 40. It’s like increasing your daily run from zero to five kilometers.
In any business, the main thing is to start. Achieving balance in work and personal life is also a kind of work. First of all – work on yourself. Try to start by highlighting those points that are easy for you to accomplish. As soon as the measures you have taken begin to bring results, and you move away from constant monitoring of their implementation, start adding a new item to your life. Do not forget that even minor changes in this direction can qualitatively change your attitude towards work and personal life.